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2004 – ongoing
series of 35 photographies

“you can’t escape fashion, nor can you escape architecture. we dress ourselves with both. everyone dresses in fashion and everyone uses architecture, whether for living, living or working. fashion, architecture and design accompany us throughout our lives. they are an expression of an attitude to life, part of our culture and an economic factor at the same time. …
this subtly elaborated network of relationships between people, space, time and fashion in regina relang’s work also characterizes the series of fashion photographs by cologne-based architect and photographer anja schlamann. in doing so, she takes a very unique approach that is far removed from the slick and hyper-aestheticized advertising and fashion photography. in her series “SIE”, which has been running for over two decades, anja schlamann stages fashion in spectacular spaces that are not visible on a daily basis, crossing the boundaries between art, fashion and architectural photography. “SIE” is anja schlamann in self-searched locations. …
designed form, be it architecture, fashion or photography, is given equal status in anja schlamann’s pictorial space constructions. the beauty of architecture, even that which is no longer used, and the spaces emptied of their original function, become the stage for a fashion that wants to be liberated from the waistline, natural, suitable for everyday use, in a language of quiet tones. a tendency that, incidentally, is also reasserting itself in contemporary architectural language and design.”
dr. ute maasberg

the complete article can be read at:

edition: 7+2 ap
size: 121 x 143 cm