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Amazon-Jungle, Day 38

By now I feel like I’m counting the days backwards again, more and more often I have to say “I’m doing this for the last time on this trip in South America”. Today was my farewell to the deep jungle, the days were amazing, so eventful and varied that I needed breaks here and there in the evening to digest the numerous impressions.
It was also the case that I was naturally cut off from the world, there is no internet in the deepest jungle. On the one hand, that was great, but on the other, it was also nice to be able to share my new experiences as a solo traveler. I missed this exchange with M in the evenings during these days. I realized that I’m not sure if and how I would have made it through the 6 weeks of the trip without regular contact. This is another reason why I am now looking forward to coming back.

This morning we visited the lodge’s own botanical garden in the rainforest rain. There are around 2,000 different medicinal plants in the Amazon rainforest and the lodge would like to expand its garden to 500 of them.
Afterwards we hung out in the hammock, great!
I show you some photos of the really fantastic lodge.
(Today Lady in blue …)


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